TRADING HOURS FEB 2025: M, T, T & F - 9 to 5pm. Flat Rate Shipping AUS Wide

TRADING HOURS FEB 2025: M, T, T & F - 9 to 5pm. Flat Rate Shipping AUS Wide


The Original Revolving Bookcase

and the highly recommended bestsellers.

Activity Table & Chair

Solid Wooden Trolley

Guidecraft Range

Felt Food Range

What's the best toys for 1-5 years old?

At The Curated Parcel, we'd love to help you find the perfect gift for your little learner. Check out our most popular toy collection by age that matches developmental stages of play with the most popular toys that work well for kids at each stage. !

Explore our inspiring toy range according to your child's current interests, find the perfect match for your next themed invitation to play set up. Farm, Ocean, Safari, Dinosaur, Space, Magical Fairy..... We offer them all!

Keeping Your Kids Entertained This Easter Holidays 🐰🥕 by Joanne Nelson

It's Easter 🐣 holidays just around the corner, and we’ve come up with some interesting and useful ideas on what you can do that might be fun!

1. Bubbles! Teach your kids to bubble with a simple mixture of the following:

  • 7 parts water
  • 3 parts detergent (Morning Fresh Original works well)
  • Optional: 1 part glycerine / light corn syrup to make it thicker so a stronger bubble can be formed. (from supermarkets or pharmacies)

You can even have a paper straw bubble blowing contest! Or simply use one of our Bunny Easter bubble wand!

The Curated Parcel Eco Bubble Wand

2. Magic colouring! In our store you can find educational, absolute mess-free colouring books for any taste! There are animals, the underwater world, and even dinosaurs! Everything your kids need to enjoy creative freedom! 

3. Modern Art Exhibition! Invite your young artists to organise an exhibition of their own paintings. Choose the topic of your liking – it could be Fairy Tales, or My Family, or Seasons, or whatever you can think of! Hang the precious artworks on the walls around the house!

The Curated Parcel Art Nature

The Curated Parcel Art Kitpas

4. Adventure quest! Hide a valuable prize in a secret place and offer your little ones to find it solving riddles! Or, if they are big enough, leave little notes with hints for them. Having solved one clue, kids will be able to find out where the next one is. And so on, until they get to the great treasure! A simple version of this would be to have a scavenger hunt which can be done using any outdoor areas (backyard / beach / park) and the aim to encourage conversations, and the search of things on the list. You might not find everything on your list but as long as you enjoy the journey it will be a win!

The Curated Parcel Adventure

5. Dress-up Time! Dress up is not just a girly game, as it is commonly believed! Our variety of magnetic puzzle boxes is an amazing gender-neutral alternative to plastic dolls that any kid regardless of their gender and age will absolutely love!

The Curated Parcel Magnetic Puzzle

6. Home cinema! Organise a mini cinema in the comfort of your own home. Pick a movie that will appeal to both you and your children, make sure there is enough room for everyone, and don’t forget about treats! They make any movie even more interesting!

7. Letters! Invite your kids to write a letter to grandparents and draw a picture for them together. Teach them how to sign an envelope correctly, then seal it and send it out!

8. Puzzles! Puzzles are a real lifesaver for bored children and their parents. We offer a huge selection of puzzles, both for toddlers - large puzzles with a small number of elements, and for older children - more difficult options with smaller pieces! 

The Curated Parcel Colour Puzzle

The Curated Parcel Insect Puzzle

The Curated Parcel Human Body Puzzle

9. Window garden! Grow microgreens right on your windowsill. Sow seeds and take care of little plants together. If you don’t have any seeds, then simply put an onion in a glass of water and watch it growth new shoots!

The Curated Parcel Grow Kits

10. Room hopscotch! If your little energiser is bored and lacks physical activity, invite them to play hopscotch. You might ask, how are you supposed to draw them at home? It's very simple – just stick a good old masking tape to the floor! Or if you have toddlers, you can do rescue the animals by simply taping animals to the floor / wall.The tape alone or the tape with toys makes for one awesome way to get tabies (aka young toddlers) working, focused, and sitting still for half a second.

The Curated Parcel Play Cards Co

The Curated Parcel Animal Activity

12. Reading books! The benefits of reading are undeniable. Reading improves intelligence and literacy, develops thinking and imagination. Just find books for your children that will appeal to them and suit their age!

The Curated Parcel Reading Bunny Tickles

13. Puppet Show/ Play! Encourage your older kids to perform and put on a puppet show. Invite the family to sit down and watch their show. Puppets can help children to learn rhymes and songs as they imitate the puppet too. There are a number of motor skills that children can improve through playing with puppets. The fine movement required to wear a puppet helps with dexterity and using fingers to manipulate the puppet improves fine motor coordination. Puppet play is also fantastic for exploring emotions and building confidence in speaking and reading aloud.

The Curated Parcel Finger Puppet Show

The Curated Parcel Finger Puppet

The Curated Parcel Finger Puppet

14. I Spy! From car trips to plane trips to walks to friends' houses, chances are you and your fam are spending more time out of the house!⁠ You can simply create your own list based on your journey to the destination, or be spontaneous and have fun. 

15. Games! Last but not least, games. Kids love games, especially ones that has lots of discovery and interaction. We have a family game night once a night in our household, and has always been a highlight that we all look forward to. Lots of fun and laughter (and sometimes disappointment of losing). Playing simple games can improve your child's mood, promote relaxation, and reduce anxiety. Children can also build emotional resilience by learning to cope with losing in video games. 

The Curated Parcel ABC Games

The Curated Parcel ABC Boom Game

The Curated Parcel Londji Games


Here are just some of the things that my kids have enjoyed in the past and still do very much so! Children will remember these fun moments for a long time if they are filled with funny and interesting memories. Most importantly, have a wonderful Easter, filled with laughter, fun and love and moderate intake of chocolates!


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